Multiple SSH keys on the same host (eg: Bitbucket)

Simple reminder for myself.

I have 2 accounts on bitbucket: one for work and one for personal use.

The easiest way to automatically pick the correct key when performing git operations is to create 2 aliases for the same host, like below (~/.ssh/config):

Host home
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/bitbucket_home

Host office
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

The next step is to replace all the occurences of host (for example the remote URL) with the alias.

Old remote URL:

Old bitbucket origin

New remote URL

New bitbucket origin

I am pretty sure it works on github too.

Replacing a thermistor from air conditioner (DAIKIN error code C4)

Today, July 10th 2021 (35°C outside, 28C° indoor) my air conditioner located in my living room decided to take a break and stopped working. Thanks Murphy!

More precisely: it partially works, because it responds to remote control commands and the “fan only” mode works, but the cooling mode not. When in cooling mode, there is no air flow coming from the unit.

A green blinking led in the air conditioner indicates that today will be an even hotter day.

I never opened an air conditioner, will I learn something new today?

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Cyberpunk 2077 on Nintendo Switch with Stadia: easy step by step guide

The most waited game of last years is without doubt Cyberpunk 2077, and at the time of writing the performance on last-gen console (PS4 or XBOX One) are very bad.

Nobody expects a port for a Switch, whose horsepower is way less performant than Sony and Microsoft consoles.

Surprisingly, unless you have a very powerful PC, the best version out to date is for Stadia, a cloud gaming service developed and operated by Google.

Unfortunately Stadia app is only available for Google Chrome browser, Android and iOS devices.

The good news is that if you have an unpatched Switch (you can verify by checking the serial number here or here), it is possible to install Android without modifying the Switch itself (so the warranty is not voided).

If you follow the guide of the video below, step by step, and using the same package version, you’ll end up have Stadia working on your Switch, and therefore enjoying the best Cybperpunk 2077 console version.

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